It’s been more than a year since we showed off some Minecraft themed cakes, so I figured it was time for a new list, showing off even more awesome Minecraft Cakes! Each of these cakes is awesome, and I want to eat all of them, even though I’m feel like I’m too old for a Minecraft themed cake. (Not to mention the fact that eating 9 cakes at once seems like a bad idea).

Let us know which cake is your favourite in the comments below!

#1 – Natasha Rice Cakes

#2 – shelly20

Minecraft Grass Block Birthday Cake For My Nephew Oreo And Teddy Graham Crumbs For The Sidesdirt Fondant Lettering on Cake Central

#3 – HubPages

★★★★★ Minecraft cake - My attempt:

#4 – Alina Vaganova

Minecraft cake

#5 – Arty Crafty Cakes

#6 – Topsy Turvy

#7 – A Fresh Take Photography

#8 – Cakes by Leesin

What should we revisit next? Tweet at me @GearcraftTaylor with your suggestions!

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